Hey Mrs DJ – Where’s The Gold Watch?

The Living Room Sessions: HEY MRS DJ
A Conversation with DJ Ultra Mel
Words / Photos: Joanne Olivier

I’m no hippie. I glare with judging eyes at floral tie died people who walk through Clicks with no shoes on. It’s a thing I have. And yet the other day I watched this Documentary called ‘Finding Joe”. The byline reads – “We Must Be Willing to get Rid of the Life We’ve Planned, So As to Have the Life That Is Waiting For Us.” It made me think of myself, and of some of the people I surround myself with. It also made me think of Melanie Motto Ros – a once happily employed girl who left it all for the bright lights of the dance floors. She now goes by the name DJ Ultra Mel and has become the most requested DJ at events like JHB Diner En Blanc, Corporates, Clubs and your aunties 50th….But DJing wasn’t a conscious life choice.