At Captain, we are drawn to the quirky like moths to a flickering flame.
The Music industry is a funny thing. How does one measure fame? I asked myself this question when I came across “Indie Siren” Jozia. Unknown to most radio listeners in SA, she reminds me of our late SA legend Icon and mad woman Brenda Fassie. When I say Mad woman, I mean maddened by life and by passion and living her art through it. One look at her You Tube Channel and you can tell Jozia is anything but straight laced. The Mamokebe music video is shot between the borders of the US and Mexico and sees Jozia dressed up as some sort of green otherworldly Mermaid Siren, writhing on rocks and dancing possessed in Monument Valley. It is no wonder her video has already had over 91 000 views and climbing. Her recently released Debut album “Mamokebe” is brimming with wordplays, poetic ambiguity and a subtle humour, she explores the big themes in life that really matter: Love and loss, marriages and cows, otherness and alienation, puberty and identity, marijuana and democracy, and, of course, the unsolved mystery of mother-daughter relationships. Even if we don‘t understand the words – Jozia sings in Sepedi, Zulu, Xhsosa, Xevenda and English – the pure intensity and emotionality of her songs unfold a magic that we cannot escape.
The videos ,Dlozilame‘ (53k views), ,Mamokebe‘ (79 k views), ‚Julio‘ (21k views) are published on Jozia‘s Youtube-Channel: